27 February 2008

Looking back

When looking throughout my rhetorical analysis, I notice how I really need to proof read my paper before I turn in my paper. But I already know that that’s the hardest thing for me to do. I don’t want to look at my paper again after I’ve written it. I just want to turn it in and not deal with it anymore.

I think my ideas worked really well. The only problem was how I executed it. That’s the hardest thing. I have to just sit down and write and get everything out until the paper is done. The hardest thing for me to do when I have to write a paper is to just write. I can’t pay attention for a long enough time get all my ideas out. Plus some times I’ll be talking to other people about my ideas and a little bit later when I try to put it down on paper I get end up forgetting everything that I had just talked about.

Proof reading is one of the basic things that go along with writing a paper. I know that I need to just get someone else to proof read it and then I can rewrite it with less mistakes. I also have problems with the words that I chose. I write more like the way I talk. Obviously that can’t happen in a college paper but it is easier for me to write that way. I would rather write like that than properly like everyone is supposed to.

Another thing that I know I need to work on is the way my papers flow. Through out high school and elementary school it wasn’t taught very well. It wasn’t easy for me to learn. I get the concept but I never want to take so much time to work on the flow.

21 February 2008


Six ways that I'm hidden from the light: I've gone to private Catholic schools for my entire education up until now, so that has sheltered me in a way. I'm only an outgoing person to the people that I'm close to, it may not take me long to come out of my shell but at first I'm reserved. I prefer to hang out with a small group of friends usually doing nothing in particular rather than going out with a large group of people that I only know a few of them. I've never been the one to try out for plays or anything that puts me into the main spotlight, I was in plays when I was in middle school only because our entire class had to be apart of it. I would rather be part of a sport team where everyone gets the credit and all works together for the rewards. I've applied to be apart of major groups in my high school, but was never enough of an "individual" to become a part of the group, because of this I have not wanted to apply for groups like that in college. I fear being rejected whether its by a job or a person or a group that I've wanted to join.
A manifesto according to dictionary.com is a public declaration of intentions, objectives, opinions, or motives. Typically this is related to companies and people in public offices like the in politics of some sort. To me a manifesto is a public way of saying where you are coming from and what you want to get out of a certain subject, whether it is a class, a sport or what ever.
I try to face the world with as much confidence as I can. I shouldn't worry about how other people see me. I believe the only times I should worry is when I'm going for an interview or something that important for my future. I want to just be myself around everyone that I encounter. Why do I have to change who I am just for those around me. I don't want to look back on my life and not like how I acted because I was not true to myself.

11 February 2008


The article talked about outsourcing and the way it's affecting the economy. It started with the outsourcing in the clothing industry and how consumer preferences affect the buyer-driver chains. In the eighties cheaper blouses were made in low-wage East Asia, and Italy was the main exporter of wool. Next it talks about the agricultural industry and how it's better described as a "trader-driven" chains rather than a buyer-driven chain. Many of the traders in the agricultural industry were international traders. The auto industry has become more and more globalized over the past two decades. Before the seventies, the "Big Three" built most of their products with very little imported parts. But they were also having to build their products for two different countries with two separate plans. After that they combined the main plants to consolidate the company.
It relates to Roger and Me with the auto industry and how the plant in Flint closed because of outsourcing.

Rothstein, Jeffrey S.. "Economic Development Policymaking Down the Global Commodity Chain: Attracting an Auto Industry to Silao, Mexico." Social Forces 84(2005): 49-69.