30 January 2008

San Jose Sharks

The author is the San Jose Sharks, most likely the team’s webmaster. The audience is anyone who is a hockey fan, most importantly the fans of the Sharks. Fans of other teams can go to the team’s website to see how their competition is doing. They have the site to keep fans informed on how the team is doing and the main things going on with some of the players. They use pictures that go along with the major head lines for the team that sets up ethos/credibility. It has a calendar that has all of their games on it along with all the scores for the past games. Logically, they use the main colors of the team, teal and now orange, as well as highlighting colors like white for the background of the major texts and the main background is darker so that the stories pop out to the viewers. The site is similar to the CNN site we were looking at in class. They both have a focus on one major thing, in the CNN case it was US news, but in the Sharks site they focused on the team with minor links at the top of the page to other teams and more things on their site.
It’s important to take a critical approach on a website because most websites don’t have the same credibility as articles or books that get published on paper. Plus you can get the same information from two different sites but they will be worded differently and set up completely opposite. We have to critically analyze the websites to be able to make sure that the information is fact and not just written by anyone.

27 January 2008

Mother Tongue

Amy Tan, the author of Mother Tongue, is a first generation American born Chinese. In this story she writes about the two different types of English that she speaks, the type she uses with her mother and the type she uses with everyone else. She also talks about how her mom gets screwed over with things by people just because she doesn't speak very good English. It's interesting how our society does things like that. We use people's disabilities against them. I know with my mom people always look and treat her different at first just because of the fact that she's in a wheelchair, but once they see how that doesn't define her they look at her like a normal person. Amy Tan is writing this for all the people that have to deal with the exact same things she does with her mom. There's the people with parents that don't speak much English as well as other people that have to act in a way as caretakers for people that can't do things for themselves. This story just reminds me of her book The Joy Luck Club because it has some very similar messages about knowing who you are as a person. Her purpose was to hopefully make people realize how they were treating others who are different.

23 January 2008

What Is A Blog?

I’ve never written a blog. So I don’t know what a blog should be. I guess a blog can be like an online journal. It is a way to reflect on what is going on in your life. It doesn’t just have to be an online journal though because I doubt many people would want to look at your blog and it would defeat the purpose of writing a blog.
A blog can also be used as a way to communicate to other people. It is a way to express your views. They are ways to get your views across to many people in an easy way. Now because of the internet it is a lot easier to get your opinions, poems, stories, etc. across to the “entire: world because it can be accessed by practically everyone.
I have no clue what I would use a blog for other than this class. I’m not the type of person to write a daily journal and even more so not to write one online that everyone can read. I don’t really write stories or other things that many people would want to read. But of course we have to for this class and I’m going to give it a chance and you never know I may get used to it and will like writing blogs, but only time will tell.

17 January 2008